The human physiology is structured in consciousness -- a field of unbounded intelligence that is eternal and unchanging and exists at the foundation of everything we see. Or, to put it more correctly, there is no foundation, there is only “IT”, the One Thing, the Self. But part of the illusion of living in the relative world, not experiencing ourselves as unbounded and eternal, is that everything moves, changes, and has an origin. The most recent discoveries in physics point to a Unified Field which underlies and supports everything in Creation. It is beyond time and space, omnipresent, and infinitely intelligent. It has the qualities of consciousness and is nothing other than the self that observes it.

The Unified Field is completely silent and then vibrates. These primordial vibrations are the language of the universe, and can be heard by those whose awareness is highly developed enough. The Vedic pandit tradition of India passed down those primordial sounds as chant from father to son for thousands of years. They can be chanted today just as they were chanted long ago, all of them identical to the original impulses from the field of Pure Consciousness, the origin of all things. That same infinite intelligence that structures the entire universe structures the human body in such a way that it can reproduce those sounds -- a specific shape for the mouth, teeth, lips, tongue, throat, lungs, and a brain that can conceive it. Those sounds are now being recorded for all posterity. Listening to those primordial sounds elevates the consciousness of the listener and brings him in tune with the source of the sounds, the listener himself, but as unbounded and eternal. There is no debate about this origin of language because the experience is available to anyone at any time.

How fascinating that the Unified Field that gives rise to all of creation fashioned a human physiology that can replicate those eternal sounds. The human physiology, then, is an expression of that field of the Absolute.

In the state of Transcendental Consciousness, one transcends everything, even the faintest thought. The thought becomes more abstract, fainter, less binding to the mind. We experience a thought at the faintest level, and when it fades way the mind is no longer bound by the thought. When our consciousness is no longer bound by the thought, it must then be unbounded. The consciousness that was experiencing the thought is left alone without any activity, yet still fully awake.

The relationship between mind and body has been demonstrated in many published scientific studies. Usually the neurons fire out of step. During this technique, as the mind settles down it becomes more orderly, like soldiers marching in step.

It's a simple law of thermodynamics where a state of lesser excitation brings a state of greater order. For instance, the molecules in helium gas move quickly and randomly. But as you cool it down to lesser activity, the molecular activity slows down and they begin to line up in a more orderly fashion. If we cool the helium to almost absolute zero (minus 273.16 celsius) the helium starts to exhibit qualities of the Absolute -- infinite qualities. The atoms are almost perfectly aligned, and the superfluid helium leaks through its own container, actually defying gravity by crawling up the sides of the container, then down the sides of the container to drip onto the floor.

So less activity brings more orderliness. And the same principle applies in superconductors and in the physiology itself. Imagine now how this can affect our health. It could transform health as we know it, and solve the problems facing our nation's health care system.

There is actually a multitude of scientific studies that indicate improved health by using the technique. Those who practice the technique have fewer admissions to hospitals and fewer doctors’ visits. One study hypertension (high blood pressure) showed that a group that meditated twice a day had blood pressure measurements identical to a group of non-meditators who took medication, except the meditators had no side-effects from pharmaceuticals.

IQ increases as well -- even at any age. Usually IQ begins to decline after age 25, but these experiments nullify the older findings.

History is filled with records of higher states of consciousness from those more fortunate, or more highly evolved. The Vedic literature is the most replete in this regard.

Most recently there is an experiment going on with 2,000 practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation technique and TM-Sidhi program who are meditating together for eight hours a day in a group. Most of them are having what social science calls “peak” experiences wherein they experience bliss that is infinitely expanding and all-knowing, beyond time and space, and so intense that it breaks into a pure, golden light, infinitely intelligence, the source of the universe. They are not so much experiencing it as becoming it. You can call it God or anything you like. Some are maintaining their experience outside of meditation. They described their experiences to Maharishi via telephone each day in front of the group, and after hearing the descriptions of their experiences, he said, “You have reached the goal; my work is done.” A few months later he performed his mahasamadhi (final meditation). The experiences are still being compiled and will soon be published. I was on that course for three years.

But are the experiences real? It’s more real than what we are experiencing right now, and that is a valid argument. The experience is open to anyone who would like to participate, and then they can verify the truth of the experience for themselves. This is just one indicator that the planet is going through a phase transition to a world we have never seen before. World consciousness is rising.

Below you will find a link to a video showing increased brain wave coherence in practitioners of the TM-Sidhis technique practiced by people of all religions. Although the experiences I gained from the technique have strengthened my convictions about God and brought me closer to that experience of God, the technique itself is not a religion because it requires no faith. The state it produces, expanded awareness, can be experienced by anyone of any religion. It’s purely a mechanical process, just like learning speed reading or flexing the mind by learning math.

Science is nothing more than verification. It helps us understand what is the truth and separate that from an opinion or from what we were taught from others and accepted on faith. Is the world flat? That’s what was thought for a long time and commonly accepted until it was proved otherwise. It’s the same with human consciousness. What are we capable of, really? What is human life really supposed to be? There is a full range of human life from the those who are ignorant and cruel to those throughout history who have described states of higher consciousness and even exhibited that in the physical world -- levitating saints, and so forth.

Modern science doesn’t know everything, but it has a method for finding the truth, and scientists are getting closer. The most recent discoveries in science, and the most important in history, is that human life is cosmic life. And this has not been verified by brain wave studies and experienced directly by those who are practicing the techniques I have mentioned. You’ll find more on this subject in the following video:


The Transcendental Meditation technique and TM-Sidhi program are available almost everywhere in the world. There are over 40,000 qualified teachers world-wide. But it must be learned from a qualified teacher who has undergone extensive training. Most of them have been practicing the technique for about forty years. It cannot be self-taught and cannot be learned from a book. It is taught individually because each person’s experience is different. This is why you will need a properly trained teacher to guide you through the first few days and then give follow-up instruction over the following months and years.

There are hundreds of official websites, but you could start here just to see what the doctors say about the Transcendental Meditation technique:


also visit Hawaii Meditation
