Gerard Owmby
Teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique, recertified
Instructed March 1969 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Teacher Training Humboldt 1970 and Majorca 1971-72
B.A. Maharishi Ayurved
M.S. Vedic Science
Ph.D. Technologies of World Peace
Photographs by the author

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Ayurveda, more properly called Ayurved, is often described as over 5,000 years old. In truth, it is eternal, sprung from the impulses of creative intelligence that underlie everything in creation, beyond time and space. The laws of nature that govern everything in the universe are the same laws which make up the knowledge of Ayurved and the human physiology. This is the foundation of Ayurved.

Ayurved ("the knowledge of life") is complete. It is an alternative to nothing. For those who view Ayurved as primitive medicine, as merely another form of oil massage and herbal formulas, consider that nadi vigyan, the Ayurvedic method of pulse diagnosis, can detect disruptions in the organ systems and detect imbalances in the most fundamental levels of the physiology to allow much earlier detection of imbalance before the disease arises on the surface of the body. Disease is a late-stage indicator that the physiology has been out of balance for some time. By using the ancient techniques handed down in the Vaidya tradition of India, we can restore the state of perfect balance in the physiology. These techniques have been time tested for millennia with thousands of physicians and millions of patients. If any other system of medicine works, then that system is Ayurvedic. Ayurved is the only medicine.

While it's true that modern methods of diagnosis using computers and complex stainless steel instruments have been of great utility in our present age, again these methods allow only for manipulation of late stage disease. Ayurvedic medicine doesn’t even concern itself so much with the disease itself, instead targeting a much deeper level of the physiology, to tendencies in the body, and then to the very basis of matter itself––pure consciousness.

The more deeply we examine the deeper layers of creation, the more power we discover, from the gross surface level, to the molecular level, to the atomic level, each stage revealing greater power of the laws of nature. The more we utilize those deeper levels of life, the more we bring powerful effects in the physiology. The deeper it is, the more powerful it is.

In spite of all of the problems with modern medicine, no one can argue that surgery and emergency care have progressed tremendously in our technological age. These are two areas where modern medicine excels. But even these two fields of medicine were once part of Ayurved, having been supplanted by modern physicians in India. Had it not been for the British invasion of India and the encroachment of western medicine, India would still be practicing Ayurvedic surgery today.

Contrary to modern views of Indian history, ancient India was a highly developed civilization. Ancient historical manuscripts picture surgical instruments identical to those used by surgeons today. Their ancient texts describe a highly advanced society with documentation of the interior of the atom, the speed of light, and the distances between galaxies.

In the typical Eurocentric view, William Harvey (1578-1657) was long recognized as the first to describe pulmonary circulation. More recently though, historians had corrected this perspective to give that honor to Michael Servetus (1511-1553) and then later to Ibn Al-afis (1213-1288). Historians should keep looking back. Although Egypt and other ancient civilizations used surgery, the most ancient precise description of pulmonary circulation comes from Sushrut in the 6th century BCE, and Ayurved existed long before. More fundamentally, ancient Ayurvedic physicians described three qualities of the body, the doshas (meaning decay), as manifestations of the five mahabhutas, which, according to Unified Field physicist John Hagelin, correspond with subatomic particle spin.

The ancient Vaidyas had a sophisticated view of healing encompassing not just the disease itself, but the patient’s diet, emotions, and environment. They constructed hospitals specially designed to nurture and promote life. They even instructed patients to live in precisely shaped homes. Builders constructed hospitals from wood from the immediate environment and each year they burned down the hospital and then rebuilt, partly to destroy microorganisms, and partly to dissolve the thoughts and emotions embedded in the walls of the building.

Over the centuries, the knowledge of these methods of self-healing and of strengthening the physiology faded almost to extinction. In the late Nineteenth Century, Louis Pasteur convinced most of Europe of the efficacy of the pathogenic theory of medicine, a warlike tactic of fighting outside invaders, the method embraced by all of modern medicine with the use of pharmaceuticals, synthetic compounds which in many cases only mask symptoms and have many dangerous side-effects. Even their invasive diagnostic procedures can be dangerous. The tragedy of modern medicine’s dependency on poisonous chemicals leaves them with only two valuable contributions––emergency care and surgery, which accounts of only about ten percent of what wellness should be. Ayurved provides us with the remaining ninety percent revived and corrected in this generation by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who brought it to the west in 1980.

The ancient seers cognized the laws of nature that prevent disease so that everyone could obtain their full potential and live a long, healthy life. Here are a few of the laws they cognized:
1. The ancient seers discovered that if you go to bed at 8:30 P.M., you will attune the body with the movement of the sun. They realized that this attunement prevents the need for medicine. Your life will be transformed.

2. They discovered that strengthening digestion creates perfect health.  This burns the food and disallows toxins to accumulate in the body. Try this: One half hour before each meal, cut a piece of fresh ginger about the size of a nickel. Add a taste of salt and a taste of lemon. Add powdered ginger to food. During the day, from a thermos, drink a hot tea of  whole seeds of cumin, coriander, and fennel. Take a few sips every 15 minutes throughout the day. Your digestion will be transformed. Eat your largest meal at noon when the sun is at zenith. Again, you are attuning yourself with the movement of the sun.
3. They discovered that the body is comprised of three qualities -- dryness, heat, and moisture. When these become imbalanced, the disease process begins. They discovered that different imbalances in different people require different diets. By eating the foods that bring the body back into balance, your life will be transformed. 
4. They discovered that when the body does become imbalanced, toxins accumulate. This is the first stage of disease. So they brought forth methods to safely purify the body of toxins. All of this knowledge has been time tested for thousands of years with millions of people -- far more evidence than the ineffective, expensive, and even dangerous practices of modern medicine.
Everyone should learn Ayurveda, but few of us have time to read. The following condensed e-books allow almost anyone to become healthy very quickly. This e-book contains all of the essentials of Ayurveda -- the diamonds of the Vedic knowledge. 
It is the most important knowledge you will ever learn in your life.
These condensed books are a great way to learn how to live perfect health quickly because the main headings and lists allow for quick reading, memorization, and easy use during the day if you print it out. 
The first Condensed Book is about 35 pages -- all you need in order to stay well. 
It contains no filler, no personal accounts, no thick philosophy, no rambling, no boredom -- just a list of facts you can learn immediately and memorize daily with a few short explanations. 
Just try the routine and you will see good results almost immediately.
100 Ayurvedic Rules for Perfect Health -- Condensed

This is streamlined knowledge for maintaining perfect health quickly. 
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100 Reasons for Ayurveda -- Condensed

This second ebook goes deeply into the reasons behind the 100 ayurvedic rules that will help your understanding of the transformation you will go through.
Ayurvedic Cleansing Diet -- Condensed
How to strengthen your digestion to prevent further toxins from building up. How to safely rid the body of toxins which are the cause of all disease. 
The Ayurvedic Herb Guide -- Condensed

Home Virechan: Preparation, Use, and Followup Condensed
Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Exercise -- Condensed

Ayurveda for Mental Health  -- Condensed

Ayurveda and Weight Loss -- Condensed

Ayurveda and DIgestion -- Condensed
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Note: Information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have a medical condition, always consult your physician. Consult your physician before making changes in lifestyle and diet. All of the information on this website is provided for educational purposes only.



The Answer to the Confused Health Care System Change

No new health care plan offered by our government will solve the problems of health in our country. Whatever the delivery system, whatever the payment plan, whatever happens to the pharmaceutical or insurance industries, no American will benefit from it. No new plan will benefit any of us because it will only continue to support a medical system which has never created health.

Modern medicine is based on late stage disease care that has nothing to do with preventing health or even curing disease. Physicians are not taught true prevention in medical school. They learn to mask symptoms, relieve pain, give emergency care, and perform surgery.

Physicians wait until the body breaks down and then we pay them to prolong life for a limited time. Sadly, there is no incentive for physicians to prevent disease because if everyone stays healthy, physicians trained in modern medicine are out of work. Their livelihood depends on keeping people ignorant about how to stay well.

Complicating this matter, insurance companies interfere with late stage disease care by dictating which care may be offered and by canceling policies so they can increase profit.The infighting over the new health care system doesn’t come from partisan ideology; it comes from lobbyists. In fact, all of our problems in government come from lobbyists. Just before leaving office, President Eisenhower warned of the military-industrial complex. His granddaughter, Susan Eisenhower, a journalist-turned-foreign policy analyst and president emeritus of The Eisenhower Institute, a Washington think tank, said that President Eisenhower originally wrote his speech to describe the military-industrial-Congressional complex, but changed the wording because he was having good relations with Congress at the time.

Bill Moyers quoted Eisenhower in a July 2009 WETA interview with Wendell Potter, former Vice President of Communications for CIGNA, one of the largest health insurers in the U.S. Mr. Potter said that every problem in passing a new health care system can be traced back to this relationship between Congress and the industries who lobby and pay for their reelection campaigns -- private insurance companies. We all know Congress listens to lobbyists, but Mr. Potter’s whistle-blowing against the HMO industry in the U.S. Senate in June 2009 is timely considering the magnitude of the looming health care problem, another upcoming wave of financial disaster we will all have to deal with one way or another. It finally brings Congressional payoffs stabbing into the public eye and ire.

Mr. Potter went on to say that industries of all kinds often write the new laws themselves, laws supporting their profits, and submit them to their Congressmen. Their influence is much more powerful than simply passing laws or contributing to the campaigns of those running for office. According to Mr. Potter -- someone with personal experience in these matters -- if a member of Congress does not cooperate with an industry, lobbyists often threaten members of Congress by telling them, “We can make it very difficult for you.” They will go on to threaten to cut off funding for that candidate, give funding to his opponent, and then create negative TV ads opposing him or her. When a Congressmen caves in, he is doing the will of industry rather than the will of the people who have elected them. This is why there is no democracy in the United States. Congress works for industry, not for the people who elect them and need them.

Economist Robert Reich, in another interview with Bill Moyers, said that capitalism is not the problem. The problem, he said, is “super capitalism”, which is unregulated capitalism. This is a special problem when human life is at stake as it is in the health insurance industry, an industry which, by all accounts, should be nonprofit. If profits go down, stockholders sell their stocks in that company, and this ensures that the CEOs of the health insurance industry engage in “recission”, canceling the policies of anyone they think will cost the company money. In many cases this recission costs the lives of the person who was once insured.

Pharmaceutical companies, who also want profits, are another industry opposed to a new system of health care. Unfortunately, finding a way to offer cheaper drugs is no solution, either, because harmaceuticals do not cure disease. More often they only mask the symptoms and have many side effects. It’s not uncommon to take a second drug to combat the symptoms of the first drug, and then a third and so on. The result is polypharmacy -- taking many drugs at once -- which can severely impair health or even kill the patient.

Pharmaceuticals have side-effects because they are synthesized, unnatural elements introduced to a natural environment -- the human physiology. They are actually often derived from medicinal plants. Each plant contains hundreds of compounds, all working together synergistically to create a specific healing effect on the body. Native tribes and Ayurvedic physicians of India alike learned the effects from medicinal plants and handed down that knowledge in oral traditions. The Ayurvedic tradition even has a system for creating combinations of herbs -- sometimes 40 or more herbs -- to create still more synergy. The process of treating these herbs can take six months to a year. The result is a more powerful herbal combination, often more potent than pharmaceuticals, but without the side-effects.

When profit-driven pharmaceutical companies find a plant with good effects, they isolate what they consider to be the most important compound and synthesize it. Unfortunately, whenever a compound is isolated from its natural environment where it is surrounded synergistically with its neighboring compounds, then the compound creates side-effects. It is no longer a product of nature. Likewise, we could extend this necessity to the environment outside of the plant. The potency of the plant is also influenced by the surrounding plants, the insects that carry carry pollen, the seasons, the amount of rainfall and sunlight, air purity, and even the time the plant is picked. The ancient Vaidyas, they physicians of India, would pick certain herbs only at certain times, and often under the full moon. They would search for perfection in plants, discarding any plants that were not fully developed, partly wilted, diseased, or which had cobwebs, cocoons, or insect bites. They then put the herb through the extended processes necessary to create potency and safety. This processing often takes six months or a year of manipulation.

“Natural” medicine today promotes the use of herbs, but with only limited knowledge about their power and side-effects. All of the four accredited naturopathy schools in the United States offer courses in herbology, but none of them teach Ayurveda or anything about the time-proven methods of Ayurveda which include diet, routine and the intricacy of the choice, combination, and preparation of herbal compounds. Naturopathic schools teach only the use of single herbs which, like pharmaceuticals, can also have serious side-effects.

Ayurvedic physicians, unlike today’s physicians, are true doctors. The word “doctor” actually comes from the Latin “docere” (DOE-ke-ray), meaning “teacher”. The original doctors were wise men -- not physicians -- who imparted their knowledge to others. Later, physicians, envious of the title, adopted it for themselves. Today the term has been stolen by physicians. Proper etiquette requires those with a Ph.D. to use the title only in the academic environment, with physicians considering themselves to be the “real” doctors. Unfortunately physicians are not teachers of health because they are not trained in preventing disease. Instead, they lie in wait for the disease to manifest at a late stage of development, often when it is too late to help the patient. If they keep us well, they don’t get paid. This is part of the corrupted political system we are governed by today owing to the greed of politicians and their ignorance about true prevention of disease. When disease progresses to a late stage, physicians can do little to assuage the growth of the disease and must resort to merely masking the symptoms with pharmaceuticals or by performing surgery.

The present Western medical idea of prevention means only more lab testing. This is also President Obama's pronouncement. Get your glucose tested, get your cholesterol levels tested, get your heart tested, get a mammogram, and get a colonoscopy every six months. These are merely methods for detecting the disease at a slightly earlier stage, often still too late to help the patient, and have nothing to do with preventing disease. The high tech methods used by physicians at these late stages can also be expensive, disease-causing, dangerous, and can even prove fatal.

Ayurvedic medicine’s powerful potential to prevent disease is the answer to the health care crisis. We don’t need more doctors and nurses, more hospitals, or a better payment plan for disease care. And we don't even need free "health care" as it is popularly conceived. We need more physicians and teachers who can educate everyone in how to stay well.


The human physiology is structured in consciousness -- a field of unbounded intelligence that is eternal and unchanging and exists at the foundation of everything we see. Or, to put it more correctly, there is no foundation, there is only “IT”, the One Thing, the Self. But part of the illusion of living in the relative world, not experiencing ourselves as unbounded and eternal, is that everything moves, changes, and has an origin. The most recent discoveries in physics point to a Unified Field which underlies and supports everything in Creation. It is beyond time and space, omnipresent, and infinitely intelligent. It has the qualities of consciousness and is nothing other than the self that observes it.

The Unified Field is completely silent and then vibrates. These primordial vibrations are the language of the universe, and can be heard by those whose awareness is highly developed enough. The Vedic pandit tradition of India passed down those primordial sounds as chant from father to son for thousands of years. They can be chanted today just as they were chanted long ago, all of them identical to the original impulses from the field of Pure Consciousness, the origin of all things. That same infinite intelligence that structures the entire universe structures the human body in such a way that it can reproduce those sounds -- a specific shape for the mouth, teeth, lips, tongue, throat, lungs, and a brain that can conceive it. Those sounds are now being recorded for all posterity. Listening to those primordial sounds elevates the consciousness of the listener and brings him in tune with the source of the sounds, the listener himself, but as unbounded and eternal. There is no debate about this origin of language because the experience is available to anyone at any time.

How fascinating that the Unified Field that gives rise to all of creation fashioned a human physiology that can replicate those eternal sounds. The human physiology, then, is an expression of that field of the Absolute.

In the state of Transcendental Consciousness, one transcends everything, even the faintest thought. The thought becomes more abstract, fainter, less binding to the mind. We experience a thought at the faintest level, and when it fades way the mind is no longer bound by the thought. When our consciousness is no longer bound by the thought, it must then be unbounded. The consciousness that was experiencing the thought is left alone without any activity, yet still fully awake.

The relationship between mind and body has been demonstrated in many published scientific studies. Usually the neurons fire out of step. During this technique, as the mind settles down it becomes more orderly, like soldiers marching in step.

It's a simple law of thermodynamics where a state of lesser excitation brings a state of greater order. For instance, the molecules in helium gas move quickly and randomly. But as you cool it down to lesser activity, the molecular activity slows down and they begin to line up in a more orderly fashion. If we cool the helium to almost absolute zero (minus 273.16 celsius) the helium starts to exhibit qualities of the Absolute -- infinite qualities. The atoms are almost perfectly aligned, and the superfluid helium leaks through its own container, actually defying gravity by crawling up the sides of the container, then down the sides of the container to drip onto the floor.

So less activity brings more orderliness. And the same principle applies in superconductors and in the physiology itself. Imagine now how this can affect our health. It could transform health as we know it, and solve the problems facing our nation's health care system.

There is actually a multitude of scientific studies that indicate improved health by using the technique. Those who practice the technique have fewer admissions to hospitals and fewer doctors’ visits. One study hypertension (high blood pressure) showed that a group that meditated twice a day had blood pressure measurements identical to a group of non-meditators who took medication, except the meditators had no side-effects from pharmaceuticals.

IQ increases as well -- even at any age. Usually IQ begins to decline after age 25, but these experiments nullify the older findings.

History is filled with records of higher states of consciousness from those more fortunate, or more highly evolved. The Vedic literature is the most replete in this regard.

Most recently there is an experiment going on with 2,000 practitioners of the Transcendental Meditation technique and TM-Sidhi program who are meditating together for eight hours a day in a group. Most of them are having what social science calls “peak” experiences wherein they experience bliss that is infinitely expanding and all-knowing, beyond time and space, and so intense that it breaks into a pure, golden light, infinitely intelligence, the source of the universe. They are not so much experiencing it as becoming it. You can call it God or anything you like. Some are maintaining their experience outside of meditation. They described their experiences to Maharishi via telephone each day in front of the group, and after hearing the descriptions of their experiences, he said, “You have reached the goal; my work is done.” A few months later he performed his mahasamadhi (final meditation). The experiences are still being compiled and will soon be published. I was on that course for three years.

But are the experiences real? It’s more real than what we are experiencing right now, and that is a valid argument. The experience is open to anyone who would like to participate, and then they can verify the truth of the experience for themselves. This is just one indicator that the planet is going through a phase transition to a world we have never seen before. World consciousness is rising.

Below you will find a link to a video showing increased brain wave coherence in practitioners of the TM-Sidhis technique practiced by people of all religions. Although the experiences I gained from the technique have strengthened my convictions about God and brought me closer to that experience of God, the technique itself is not a religion because it requires no faith. The state it produces, expanded awareness, can be experienced by anyone of any religion. It’s purely a mechanical process, just like learning speed reading or flexing the mind by learning math.

Science is nothing more than verification. It helps us understand what is the truth and separate that from an opinion or from what we were taught from others and accepted on faith. Is the world flat? That’s what was thought for a long time and commonly accepted until it was proved otherwise. It’s the same with human consciousness. What are we capable of, really? What is human life really supposed to be? There is a full range of human life from the those who are ignorant and cruel to those throughout history who have described states of higher consciousness and even exhibited that in the physical world -- levitating saints, and so forth.

Modern science doesn’t know everything, but it has a method for finding the truth, and scientists are getting closer. The most recent discoveries in science, and the most important in history, is that human life is cosmic life. And this has not been verified by brain wave studies and experienced directly by those who are practicing the techniques I have mentioned. You’ll find more on this subject in the following video:

The Transcendental Meditation technique and TM-Sidhi program are available almost everywhere in the world. There are over 40,000 qualified teachers world-wide. But it must be learned from a qualified teacher who has undergone extensive training. Most of them have been practicing the technique for about forty years. It cannot be self-taught and cannot be learned from a book. It is taught individually because each person’s experience is different. This is why you will need a properly trained teacher to guide you through the first few days and then give follow-up instruction over the following months and years.

There are hundreds of official websites, but you could start here just to see what the doctors say about the Transcendental Meditation technique:

also visit Hawaii Meditation



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For education purposes only.

Don’t eat yogurt from the grocery store, that is.
According to the ancient Vaidyas (Ayurvedic physicians) refrigerated yogurt will clog the channels in the body. Use store-bought yogurt only as a starter for yogurt you make yourself and keep it refrigerated. Always use yogurt made from organic milk and which contains live culture.

Start the yogurt every night and make just enough for the next day. Do not refrigerate it after you make it, and use it in one day.

How to Make Yogurt

Use two cups of milk and a tablespoon of yogurt.

Let the tablespoon of yogurt sit outside of the refrigerator while you boil the milk.

Heat the milk until it boils up into a high foam.

Take if off the stove and let it cool to 100 degrees or body temperature.

Pour the milk into a jar and then add the yogurt which has been brought to room temperature.

Cover the jar and wrap it with a towel to contain the heat and then store it in a warm place. You can use a gas stove that has a pilot light or use the oven light or place a 30 watt bulb safely in a large container like a styrofoam box. You can also heat a thermos with hot water, pour it out and add the milk, but most thermos manufacturers do not recommend this because the milk residues are difficult to clean. You can also put the milk on top of a toaster oven and set it on the lowest setting.

If you make the yogurt at night, it should be ready to use in the morning. You can use some of this new yogurt a few times for making more.

Once you have made your yogurt, don't eat it -- transform it into lassi which is much easier to digest and does not clog the channels.

How to Make Lassi

Mix one part freshly made yogurt with three parts water, add a pinch each of powdered ginger, cumin, rock salt, and two crushed whole black pepper corns and blend. Lassi should be very, very diluted. Don’t eat yogurt -- even home-made yogurt -- right out of the jar because it’s too thick and strong. Drink the lassi after lunch to aid digestion and to more quickly rid the body of ama. Never consume yogurt or lassi at night.

The most effective yogurt is made from milk that is non-homogenized, and is necessary for perfect lassi. Ordinary homogenized milk will not allow the separation of the solids from the yogurt and water mixture. Blend the yogurt by itself for about five minutes, then add cold water and blend for another five minutes. When foam rises to the top, rake it off and use the liquid that remains. If the remaining liquid is not thin and cloudy-white, you can blend the liquid again. Add the spices and drink at room temperature. Remember you are starting with cold water and yogurt, but the time for the blending process will allow the drink to rise to room temperature. Drink the lassi after the meal.

If the yogurt is made with non-homogenized milk, you can simply add a teaspoon of the yogurt to about 3/4 glass of water. Anything stronger will clog the channels. Although lassi is delicious, it’s not just food, it’s more like medicine.

Lassi is very useful if you are taking Cholesterol Protection (purchased from and detoxifying the liver during a detoxification diet.

Digestive lassi


3/4 cup purified cold water (in this case, cold is important)
1/4 cup fresh cold yogurt
1/4 tsp coriander leaf (cilantro)
1/4 tsp. cardamom
1/4 tsp cumin powder
1 pinch of rock salt (available in health food stores)

Note: Products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have a medical condition, you should consult your physician. Also consult your physician before making changes in lifestyle or diet. All information on this website is provided for education purposes only.

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For education purposes only.

The ancient ayurvedic physicians recommended a cleansing diet (ama pachan) to rid the arteries of plaque. A cleansing diet was considered to be most effective if used with specific herbs which enhance digestion. The best herb for this process is from called Veda Herb 2363. Modern Ayurvedic physicians recommend two other herbs that are good to use with a cleansing diet -- Veda Herb 2314 and 2315. But since they have slightly different effects, check with someone trained in Ayurveda first before you choose one. According to the ancient Vaidyas, these herbs purify the arteries and they are good for atheroschlerosis and high blood pressure. These herbs are also good for home preparation for panchakarma if you don’t like drinking large amounts of liquified ghee over several days. Those with liver or gall bladder problems should avoid large amounts of ghee. Check with a physician trained in Ayurveda.

One method Vaidays use for strengthening the liver is virechan where you take increasing amounts of ghee over several days (in the early morning) and then castor oil at night after a light meal. Because ghee and castor oil are both liquids, they enhance the circulatory system. Don’t try this at home; I’ll give details in another article.

You can also purchase more affordable herbs from Their Cholesterol Protection enhances liver function, decreases cholesterol, and produces more bile. It improves metabolism so as to reduce LDL cholesterol.

Vaidyas also used other herbal formulas. One of them has been revived as Maharishi Amrit Kalash which has 1,000 times the power to fight free radicals as Vitamin C.

A cleansing diet is a kapha reducing diet (drying and purifying) which allows the body to metabolize fat. If you are vata, you should be on a kapha increasing diet, I know, but we are talking about a temporary diet here to get rid of plaque. Be sure to consult your physician before using any new diet.

Kapha pacifying diet:

smaller, split beans
pungent, astringent, and bitter food
garbanzo beans
dried beans
split yellow mung dhal
mustard greens
whole, unprocessed oats
barley to help metabolize fat (karshana)
quinoa for zinc and fat metabolism
lassi (see recipe and dilution)

Do not eat these:

larger beans
sour food
salad dressings
lassi (from yogurt -- see recipe in the article "Don't Eat Yogurt")
leavened bread
sweet food of any kind

Do not eat any of the vegetables raw. Cook them and eat with cleansing spices. All food should always be organic, but especially the morning apples, etc.

Lassi is good for lowering cholesterol and is called “ambrosia for pitta”. Learn more about lassi and yogurt in the article "Don't Eat Yogurt".

In the morning have a cooked (organic) apple with cooked prunes and figs. You will notice a change in your digestion right away (examine the stool, which should be lighter in color and buoyant; this indicates a depletion of toxins).

Note: Products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have a medical condition, you should consult your physician. Also consult your physician before making changes in lifestyle or diet. All information on this website is provided for education purposes only.
