The ancient seers cognized the laws of nature that prevent disease so that everyone could obtain their full potential and live a long, healthy life. Here are a few of the laws they cognized:
1. The ancient seers discovered that if you go to bed at 8:30 P.M., you will attune the body with the movement of the sun. They realized that this attunement prevents the need for medicine. Your life will be transformed.

2. They discovered that strengthening digestion creates perfect health.  This burns the food and disallows toxins to accumulate in the body. Try this: One half hour before each meal, cut a piece of fresh ginger about the size of a nickel. Add a taste of salt and a taste of lemon. Add powdered ginger to food. During the day, from a thermos, drink a hot tea of  whole seeds of cumin, coriander, and fennel. Take a few sips every 15 minutes throughout the day. Your digestion will be transformed. Eat your largest meal at noon when the sun is at zenith. Again, you are attuning yourself with the movement of the sun.
3. They discovered that the body is comprised of three qualities -- dryness, heat, and moisture. When these become imbalanced, the disease process begins. They discovered that different imbalances in different people require different diets. By eating the foods that bring the body back into balance, your life will be transformed. 
4. They discovered that when the body does become imbalanced, toxins accumulate. This is the first stage of disease. So they brought forth methods to safely purify the body of toxins. All of this knowledge has been time tested for thousands of years with millions of people -- far more evidence than the ineffective, expensive, and even dangerous practices of modern medicine.
Everyone should learn Ayurveda, but few of us have time to read. The following condensed e-books allow almost anyone to become healthy very quickly. This e-book contains all of the essentials of Ayurveda -- the diamonds of the Vedic knowledge. 
It is the most important knowledge you will ever learn in your life.
These condensed books are a great way to learn how to live perfect health quickly because the main headings and lists allow for quick reading, memorization, and easy use during the day if you print it out. 
The first Condensed Book is about 35 pages -- all you need in order to stay well. 
It contains no filler, no personal accounts, no thick philosophy, no rambling, no boredom -- just a list of facts you can learn immediately and memorize daily with a few short explanations. 
Just try the routine and you will see good results almost immediately.
100 Ayurvedic Rules for Perfect Health -- Condensed

This is streamlined knowledge for maintaining perfect health quickly. 
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100 Reasons for Ayurveda -- Condensed

This second ebook goes deeply into the reasons behind the 100 ayurvedic rules that will help your understanding of the transformation you will go through.
Ayurvedic Cleansing Diet -- Condensed
How to strengthen your digestion to prevent further toxins from building up. How to safely rid the body of toxins which are the cause of all disease. 
The Ayurvedic Herb Guide -- Condensed

Home Virechan: Preparation, Use, and Followup Condensed
Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Exercise -- Condensed

Ayurveda for Mental Health  -- Condensed

Ayurveda and Weight Loss -- Condensed

Ayurveda and DIgestion -- Condensed
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Email: gerardowmby@yahoo.com
Note: Information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you have a medical condition, always consult your physician. Consult your physician before making changes in lifestyle and diet. All of the information on this website is provided for educational purposes only.

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